Featured Highlights


The Conscious Children’s Chakra eBook Series is a must buy for little ones! Benefiting The BIPOC Generational Wealth Fund.

The journey of a young man finding his way through life faced with a deadly diagnosis. Benefiting Place Of Peace Cancer Foundation.


Kamua (Ka-mow) is coming through with a special message! Get your Distinguished Black Men (D.B.M.) apparel today!


Fine Art From The Top

We are so thrilled to be opening our new wing of the publishing company with fine art. All original and always high in quality, you are sure to be happy with any purchase. Come on in and take a peek at some of our new art pieces. We are always adding more to the collection to keep up with your hunger for expression.

Opalonga’s Storytelling Corner

Opalonga’s Storytelling Corner is a fun and interactive way to teach life lessons, morals and principles to young children. Click the button below to be introduced to the world Opalonga inspired!

Where the IMPACT lives in the GIVE back!

Pub Coin Front.png

This company is dedicated to the loving memory of our grandfather, Eugene David Williams Sr. (June 16, 1936-July 7, 2020). May he be the light that guides us from the other side. We love you Granddaddy!



Books, Essays, Articles, Screenplays, Poetry, Journals, Pamphlets, Catalogs and Reviews. We are fully operational and here to be in service to the story. We have a focus on elevating black voices and the stories buried inside of the African diaspora.

Fine Art

Art tells a story that is unrivaled throughout history, many times with no text needed. A picture can tell a thousand words; the power of publishing has the ability to preserve the impact. Whether it is a single piece or a full portfolio, we are here for your fine art publishing needs.

“The quest for precious gems starts with the clues hidden in plain sight and ends deep inside the crust…”



New authors come to The Top Publishing Company at a range of different levels in the process of publishing their works. Some individuals require a hands on experience to get them to the next level. Wherever you are in your artistic process, we are available with the desired support to elevate your work to The Top!