Our Story: The Legacy Begins

Established in July of 2020, The Top Publishing Company is an organization founded by Dr. Alexander Free Garland (Dr. Free) and Dr. Vizier Kamau LuQman. The idea for this enterprise was sparked by a conversation between the two brothers while in the process of developing Vizier’s first book, ‘Why Accept Failure, When Success Is Free?; The Rebirth of A Silent Warrior’.

When faced with the choice of which route to go to self publish his book, Dr. LuQman got a wild idea to start the families own company. This idea was flushed out with Dr. Free, who was managing the process of Dr. LuQman’s book and motivational speaking platform. Ecstatic about the idea, the only natural step was to take the world by storm and claim the lead in the title of this new endeavor.

As a black owned and operated company, The Top Publishing Company has its sights set on preserving black and indigenous culture by way of data collection, publishing literature and championing fine art. Through personal accounts of storytelling, narrative redirections and comprehensive documentation of the past and present histories, we are substantiating ourselves as a hub for the history of the African diaspora to be secured in digital and physical form. It is best summed up in the memory of Opalonga Pugh, a world renowned African storyteller and close family friend, who passed on an old African proverb, “If each one reach, If each one teach one, our culture will survive.”

Though Dr. LuQman’s book was the first sell that is widely propagated by the company, Dr. Free also has a series of conscious children’s chakra books, created under the pen name Dr. Chakra. With a strong commitment to giving back, it is built into the company’s model to donate a portion of revenue for every book published to a nonprofit cause/organization.

“In the constitution of being new found recorders of documentation and history, The Top Publishing Company acknowledges two distinct aspects of life in America. 1) The land we now occupy is not ours. It is the land of Native American peoples who we pay homage to in all of our offerings. 2) This land we call America was and still is built on the backs, blood, sweat, tears, suffrage and disenfranchisement of people who belong to the African diaspora who were stolen from their land and enslaved for hundreds of years, countless generations, on the bases of an inferiority complex by those of caucasian background. The Top Publishing Company is a new beginning of the end of this treatment toward the African Diaspora. In honor of our ancestors, who paid with their lives and all the other aspects of payment we know of AS WELL AS those aspects of payment lost to us, we are actively taking back the power that is our birthright.

Informed by the ones who came before us, We rise… to the top!”

-The Top Publishing Company Founders

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