“Those who tell the stories rule the world” -Hopi Native American Proverb


The new home for The Top Publishing of Literature, Music and Fine Art.

Now Available! [Pre-Sale Package] Why Accept Failure, When Success Is Free?; The Rebirth Of A Silent Warrior

Now Available! [Pre-Sale Package] Why Accept Failure, When Success Is Free?; The Rebirth Of A Silent Warrior



Books, Essays, Articles, Screenplays, Poetry, Journals, Pamphlets, Catalogs and Reviews. We are fully operational and here to be in service to the story. We have a focus on elevating black voices and the stories buried inside of the African diaspora.



As a new company, we are playing it safe when it comes to rolling out new aspects in order to create a sustainable work flow. We aim to be up and running for music publishing at the top of 2021. Stay tuned for more updates.

Fine Art

Art tells a story that is unrivaled throughout history, many times with no text needed. A picture can tell a thousand words; the power of publishing has the ability to preserve the impact. Whether it is a single piece or a full portfolio, we are here for your fine art publishing needs.

“The quest for precious gems starts with the clues hidden in plain sight and ends deep inside the crust…”




Sculpting our brand as a new found leader in the world of publishing, the distribution partnerships and options are constantly expanding as we grow. The featured list of digital distribution opportunities include Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, & Google Play Books. Partnerships in New York, Los Angeles, Denver, Pittsburgh, New Jersey, San Francisco, San Diego, Detroit, New Orleans, Las Vegas, Atlanta, South Africa, Germany, Australia, Europe, Ghana, and Canada.


New Authors, Illustrators and musicians come to The Top Publishing Company at a range of different levels in the process of publishing their works. Some individuals require a hands on experience to get them to the next level. Wherever you are in your artistic process, we are available with the desired support to elevate your work to The Top!

Marketing & Publicity

In a story, we justly find the What and the Why to be important in the process of the story being told. However, the Where, When, Who and How in the market are the vehicles that carry the success of the story to its audience. We offer a competitive variety of tools and resources to our authors to support this vehicle to meet its optimal potential. For a custom proposal or consultation, submit an inquiry. www.thetoppublishing.com/submissions