The Noble Court Magazine

MAY Edition 2021

Welcome to The Noble Court Magazine! Originally started to keep supporters of the publishing company, affiliated partners and businesses up to date like a newsletter, the idea expanded into being a space to serve those who want to be in the know about our next steps as well as attract new supporters. With the current goal to produce a new issue every month, supporters get FREE access to new developments like new authors being signed, articles analyzing the black experience throughout different parts of the world, interviews showcasing black excellence in many areas of life, the list goes on! Our magazine is also a proud supporter of fellow black owned businesses. If you or someone you know is seeking advertisement as a fellow black owned business, please contact us at

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Parallel Worlds: Brutality Through The Generations

Contrary to how we want to start off this May issue, we are choosing to omit the experience of easing you into the intensity of what’s going on in our ‘black’ world and the world at large. Aside from the reality that we as a publication have been inactive for 6 months dealing with the effects of the pandemic its many forms, there is also an appalling parallel of the black american experience playing out in Israel with palestinian people; nearly 7,000 miles away. Both communities are being systematically persecuted for differences that anyone with half a conscience could deduce is insecurity driven and yet, the parallel acts of public lynchings from centuries past to present day, persist with no end in sight. For those who need a further breakdown, look no further than the definitions and behaviors below.

  • Persecution: hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs.

  • Religious persecution: is the systematic mistreatment of an individual or a group of individuals as a response to their religious beliefs or affiliations or their lack thereof.

  • Insecure behaviors: (Systematically specific) black vs white sentencing, inferiority, projects your insecurity, question self worth, humblebrag travel often due to importance, frequently complain high standards


(insecure with ones religious belief and/or ones ability to simply exist without feeling inherently threatened by the thought that your own way of living, being and acting could be seen as less than)

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”



Please consider watering our endeavors for the success of future blooms.


Top Update

“Some people want it to happen, some people wish it would happen, …others make it happen.” This is a quote from the NBA’s greatest of all-time player, Michael Jordan. When asked to locate myself in one of groups defined in his observation, I can honestly claim residence in the ‘make it happen’ group. YOU are a vital part of my grind and hustle and I never want to miss the opportunity to express my gratitude for your support, your time and your attention. You are the reason why I make it happen and that you are still here makes me work even harder. ‘The Strong & Silent’ are my lifeline and it is my pleasure to feed your fire just as much as you feed mine!

Taking The Setbacks And The New Opportunities, Hand-in-Hand

r as a motivational speaker and new author. He is killing it and I am so proud of his commitment to the black community! Unfortunately that has resulted in hold on my personal merchandise going live for the time being. In the meantime, check out the new logo above! It’s literally fire!!

A featured artist

I am

Reminders & More To Come…

Black Sands Entertainment


“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”



Please consider watering our endeavors for the success of future blooms.



“Some people want it to happen, some people wish it would happen, …others make it happen.” This is a quote from the NBA’s greatest of all-time player, Michael Jordan. When asked to locate myself in one of groups defined in his observation, I can honestly claim residence in the ‘make it happen’ group. YOU are a vital part of my grind and hustle and I never want to miss the opportunity to express my gratitude for your support, your time and your attention. You are the reason why I make it happen and that you are still here makes me work even harder. ‘The Strong & Silent’ are my lifeline and it is my pleasure to feed your fire just as much as you feed mine!

Taking The Setbacks And The New Opportunities, Hand-in-Hand

Ok! You may have noticed that merchandise for my brand has not gone live like we expected. In fact, it hasn’t gone live at all yet. My eldest brother, Alexander (following his legal name change), has been working around the clock to manage the publishing company, his personal production company, a 3rd business venture and about 4 or more other consulting projects since the last edition of the magazine. All that is on top of managing and mentoring me in my career as a motivational speaker and new author. He is killing it and I am so proud of his commitment to the black community! Unfortunately that has resulted in hold on my personal merchandise going live for the time being. In the meantime, check out the new logo above! It’s literally fire!!! I couldn’t be happier with the final product. Thank you to Cody Sky Photography for the hard work and dedication.

A Documentary Film With My Name On It

I am humbled to publicly announce the creation of a new documentary film about my journey from teenage, stage 4 cancer diagnosis to author and motivational speaker. My brother, Alexander, is set to direct the documentary with his production company taking lead on producing. The films plot will be centralized with an ‘assembly line’ factory model to get the presale packages for my new book, packaged and shipped, utilizing the entire LuQman family. With interviews interwoven from my mother and all 6 of my siblings, sharing their individual accounts from my diagnosis journey up to the release of the book, the documentary is sure to inspire and pull on your heart strings. Coming to a screen near you, Spring of 2021.

Reminders & More To Come…

The early bird get the worm, and this worm is Juicy! $60 juicy to be exact. We only have 2 more months to reserve your presale package of “Why Accept Failure, When Success Is Free?: A Rebirth Of A Silent Warrior”! The presale package is currently valued at $60 with the swag and perks included in the package. Don’t let this worm wiggle out of your grasp. Act now!

Save the Date: Sunday, October 18th @3pm (MST) is the series premiere of The Top Publishing Company’s, “Getting To Know The Author”, featuring me. I look forward to seeing you there. If you are reading this after the date, head over to The Top Publishing Company Instagram to catch it after the fact!

Birth Resort

“Some people want it to happen, some people wish it would happen, …others make it happen.” This is a quote from the NBA’s greatest of all-time player, Michael Jordan. When asked to locate myself in one of groups defined in his observation, I can honestly claim residence in the ‘make it happen’ group. YOU are a vital part of my grind and hustle and I never want to miss the opportunity to express my gratitude for your support, your time and your attention. You are the reason why I make it happen and that you are still here makes me work even harder. ‘The Strong & Silent’ are my lifeline and it is my pleasure to feed your fire just as much as you feed mine!

Taking The Setbacks And The New Opportunities, Hand-in-Hand

Ok! You may have noticed that merchandise for my brand has not gone live like we expected. In fact, it hasn’t gone live at all yet. My eldest brother, Alexander (following his legal name change), has been working around the clock to manage the publishing company, his personal production company, a 3rd business venture and about 4 or more other consulting projects since the last edition of the magazine. All that is on top of managing and mentoring me in my career as a motivational speaker and new author. He is killing it and I am so proud of his commitment to the black community! Unfortunately that has resulted in hold on my personal merchandise going live for the time being. In the meantime, check out the new logo above! It’s literally fire!!! I couldn’t be happier with the final product. Thank you to Cody Sky Photography for the hard work and dedication.

A Documentary Film With My Name On It

I am humbled to publicly announce the creation of a new documentary film about my journey from teenage, stage 4 cancer diagnosis to author and motivational speaker. My brother, Alexander, is set to direct the documentary with his production company taking lead on producing. The films plot will be centralized with an ‘assembly line’ factory model to get the presale packages for my new book, packaged and shipped, utilizing the entire LuQman family. With interviews interwoven from my mother and all 6 of my siblings, sharing their individual accounts from my diagnosis journey up to the release of the book, the documentary is sure to inspire and pull on your heart strings. Coming to a screen near you, Spring of 2021.

Reminders & More To Come…

The early bird get the worm, and this worm is Juicy! $60 juicy to be exact. We only have 2 more months to reserve your presale package of “Why Accept Failure, When Success Is Free?: A Rebirth Of A Silent Warrior”! The presale package is currently valued at $60 with the swag and perks included in the package. Don’t let this worm wiggle out of your grasp. Act now!

Save the Date: Sunday, October 18th @3pm (MST) is the series premiere of The Top Publishing Company’s, “Getting To Know The Author”, featuring me. I look forward to seeing you there. If you are reading this after the date, head over to The Top Publishing Company Instagram to catch it after the fact!

Lumi Update

“Some people want it to happen, some people wish it would happen, …others make it happen.” This is a quote from the NBA’s greatest of all-time player, Michael Jordan. When asked to locate myself in one of groups defined in his observation, I can honestly claim residence in the ‘make it happen’ group. YOU are a vital part of my grind and hustle and I never want to miss the opportunity to express my gratitude for your support, your time and your attention. You are the reason why I make it happen and that you are still here makes me work even harder. ‘The Strong & Silent’ are my lifeline and it is my pleasure to feed your fire just as much as you feed mine!

Taking The Setbacks And The New Opportunities, Hand-in-Hand

Ok! You may have noticed that merchandise for my brand has not gone live like we expected. In fact, it hasn’t gone live at all yet. My eldest brother, Alexander (following his legal name change), has been working around the clock to manage the publishing company, his personal production company, a 3rd business venture and about 4 or more other consulting projects since the last edition of the magazine. All that is on top of managing and mentoring me in my career as a motivational speaker and new author. He is killing it and I am so proud of his commitment to the black community! Unfortunately that has resulted in hold on my personal merchandise going live for the time being. In the meantime, check out the new logo above! It’s literally fire!!! I couldn’t be happier with the final product. Thank you to Cody Sky Photography for the hard work and dedication.

A Documentary Film With My Name On It

I am humbled to publicly announce the creation of a new documentary film about my journey from teenage, stage 4 cancer diagnosis to author and motivational speaker. My brother, Alexander, is set to direct the documentary with his production company taking lead on producing. The films plot will be centralized with an ‘assembly line’ factory model to get the presale packages for my new book, packaged and shipped, utilizing the entire LuQman family. With interviews interwoven from my mother and all 6 of my siblings, sharing their individual accounts from my diagnosis journey up to the release of the book, the documentary is sure to inspire and pull on your heart strings. Coming to a screen near you, Spring of 2021.

Reminders & More To Come…

The early bird get the worm, and this worm is Juicy! $60 juicy to be exact. We only have 2 more months to reserve your presale package of “Why Accept Failure, When Success Is Free?: A Rebirth Of A Silent Warrior”! The presale package is currently valued at $60 with the swag and perks included in the package. Don’t let this worm wiggle out of your grasp. Act now!

Save the Date: Sunday, October 18th @3pm (MST) is the series premiere of The Top Publishing Company’s, “Getting To Know The Author”, featuring me. I look forward to seeing you there. If you are reading this after the date, head over to The Top Publishing Company Instagram to catch it after the fact!

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”



Please consider watering our endeavors for the success of future blooms.


Alexander Free Garland is the Chief Editor of The Noble Court Magazine and all advertisements associated with the publication.

October 2020

OCTOBER Edition 2020

Welcome to The Noble Court Magazine! Originally started to keep supporters of the publishing company, affiliated partners and businesses up to date like a newsletter, the idea expanded into being a space to serve those who want to be in the know about our next steps as well as attract new supporters. With the current goal to produce a new issue every month, supporters get FREE access to new developments like new authors being signed, articles analyzing the black experience throughout different parts of the world, interviews showcasing black excellence in many areas of life, the list goes on! Our magazine is also a proud supporter of fellow black owned businesses. If you or someone you know is seeking advertisement as a fellow black owned business, please contact us at


This month, we express our support in the efforts to demand justice for Breona Taylor. Until Freedom is an organization that is committed to this effort and has an update of actions we all can take to bring the police involved in her murder to justice. We invite YOU to ask yourself…

“If not now then when, if not me then who?”


“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”



Please consider watering our endeavors for the success of future blooms.


The Top Publishing Company

Is time speeding up?! It sure seems like it. It feels like just last week that we released our first edition and it’s already time for the next one. Have you been waiting in anticipation? Wait no longer! Here are the updates for The Top Publishing Company this month.

Screen Shot 2020-10-16 at 2.23.54 PM.png

New: Straight From The Top!

And we’re off! (said in the voice of a horse racing commentator with a New York accent) We have a brand new media page hosting all the interviews and media streaming in on the company. Come feel the buzz! This Sunday, October 18th, you do not want to miss the launch of our new series! “Getting To Know The Author” will be featuring an interview with Vizier at a great kick off to the series. The details are on the picture above. Be sure to save the date and adjust for your time zone! We look forward to having you chime in. Vizier’s book pre-sale package is only available for another 2 months. “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today” - Benjamin Franklin. Reserve your pre-sale package now! In other news, we are beginning to test the music publishing aspect of the business out earlier than we imagined. Though we maintain as of this year we will not be pursuing the aspect with public submissions, there is an album in preparation for the holidays. Stay tuned!

Introducing The Gods!

Did you catch the banner of strong, black and beautiful Egyptian gods bordering the magazine this month?! Let’s give them a proper introduction. Below are the attributes that make each of these egyptian gods worth their weight in gold.



Considered to be the King of the Gods. The god of the sun, order, kings and the seasons.


Known as the “Divine Potter”. The god of the source of the Nile, associated with procreation.


Translated as “The House of Horus”. The goddess of the sky, women, fertility and love.


Known as “Lord of the Waters”. The god of the Nile, military prowess and fertility.


Credited with the invention of the sciences. The god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon.


Protector of the home from evil spirits and disease. The goddess of childbirth and women’s secrets.


Translated as “The Destroyer”. Lord of the Desert. The god of war, chaos and storms.


Translated as “The Distant One”. The god of the sky, protection, royal power and good health.


Translated as “The Powerful and Mighty One”. The goddess of the sun, war, destruction, plagues and healing.


Originally translated as “A Royal Child”. The god of death, the afterlife and the underworld.


Publishing Company Merchandise & Social Media Accounts

Take a quick jump over and follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Also be sure to grab a souvenir from our merchandise page today. Supporting black owned businesses never felt so good! It’s also a great way to let a friend know that you’re thinking about them. Send them a Magic Mug, and you will be on their mind with every sip! New products added once a week!


Reserve Your Pre-Sale Book Package Here

Support Black Owned Businesses

For The Strong & Silent

“Some people want it to happen, some people wish it would happen, …others make it happen.” This is a quote from the NBA’s greatest of all-time player, Michael Jordan. When asked to locate myself in one of groups defined in his observation, I can honestly claim residence in the ‘make it happen’ group. YOU are a vital part of my grind and hustle and I never want to miss the opportunity to express my gratitude for your support, your time and your attention. You are the reason why I make it happen and that you are still here makes me work even harder. ‘The Strong & Silent’ are my lifeline and it is my pleasure to feed your fire just as much as you feed mine!


Taking The Setbacks And The New Opportunities, Hand-in-Hand

Ok! You may have noticed that merchandise for my brand has not gone live like we expected. In fact, it hasn’t gone live at all yet. My eldest brother, Alexander (following his legal name change), has been working around the clock to manage the publishing company, his personal production company, a 3rd business venture and about 4 or more other consulting projects since the last edition of the magazine. All that is on top of managing and mentoring me in my career as a motivational speaker and new author. He is killing it and I am so proud of his commitment to the black community! Unfortunately that has resulted in hold on my personal merchandise going live for the time being. In the meantime, check out the new logo above! It’s literally fire!!! I couldn’t be happier with the final product. Thank you to Cody Sky Photography for the hard work and dedication.

A Documentary Film With My Name On It

I am humbled to publicly announce the creation of a new documentary film about my journey from teenage, stage 4 cancer diagnosis to author and motivational speaker. My brother, Alexander, is set to direct the documentary with his production company taking lead on producing. The films plot will be centralized with an ‘assembly line’ factory model to get the presale packages for my new book, packaged and shipped, utilizing the entire LuQman family. With interviews interwoven from my mother and all 6 of my siblings, sharing their individual accounts from my diagnosis journey up to the release of the book, the documentary is sure to inspire and pull on your heart strings. Coming to a screen near you, Spring of 2021.

Reminders & More To Come…

The early bird get the worm, and this worm is Juicy! $60 juicy to be exact. We only have 2 more months to reserve your presale package of “Why Accept Failure, When Success Is Free?: A Rebirth Of A Silent Warrior”! The presale package is currently valued at $60 with the swag and perks included in the package. Don’t let this worm wiggle out of your grasp. Act now!

Save the Date: Sunday, October 18th @3pm (MST) is the series premiere of The Top Publishing Company’s, “Getting To Know The Author”, featuring me. I look forward to seeing you there. If you are reading this after the date, head over to The Top Publishing Company Instagram to catch it after the fact!

Krown On Kings

Support Black Owned Businesses


Nandy McClean:

The Being Through The Lens


For a little over a decade, Alexander has been closely entangled with a twin pair of global luminaries. Today, you will get a deeper look into the influences, the driving forces and the struggles that have shaped this visionary in her pursuit to create conscious media. This is an interview with Nandy McClean.


Nandy McClean is an Australian, Los Angeles-based director that creates, develops and produces content to awaken the human condition.  She uses visual storytelling, particularly focused on stories for minorities, as a medium to create equality and transformation on the planet. She has worked with renowned artists like Prince, India Arie, new artist Hope Waidley, and Michelle Kash. Her latest video, India Arie’s 2019 music video “Steady Love”, won best R&B adult No.1 on the Billboard charts. The well-received video featuring David Banner depicts the couple in everyday, domestic situations resonated with viewers as a refreshing depiction of black love, romance and vulnerability. Nandy’s short film, “Blind” - focused on racial-based incarceration, won “Best Narrative Short” at Festigious International Film Festival in 2017, “Best Drama Short” in 2018 at HIMPFF, and “Best Film Short” in 2018 at Accolade Global Film Competition. Website Follow: @NandyMcClean @nmflms Facebook

(For the clarity of this Interview, Alexander will omit his pronoun (We/Us/Our).

Alexander: Ok! Let’s give people some background on how we began to orbit in each others worlds. I remember the initial introduction being in December of 2009 when we both took The Landmark Forum. Ann, who was your music manager at the time, was also in the course and she and I really connected on so many aspects of life that, before long, we were soon inseparable. Fast forward, a little less than two years later, the 4 of us, (You, Maya, Ann and I) were living together in Santa Monica.

Nandy: Yup! That’s pretty much how it went down when you fast forward through some of the details.

(As we share in a burst of laughter)

Nandy: On a serious note though, you are a good friend, a beautiful soul and kindred spirit. Every time you walk into the room, you bring me joy!


Alexander: Thank you love! You know the feeling is mutual. We have considered each other to be family for a while now, in so many facets too. One of them being our Lion King connection! I was the Original Cast of the Broadway first national tour and you and Maya were in the Original Cast of the production that opened in Australia.

Nandy: Yeah! Little Darlin’.

Alexander: Great! Well now that people have a taste of our relatedness, let’s get some of the trivial questions on everyone’s mind, answered and out of the way.

Nandy: Awesome. I’m not single, I’m in a relationship, my favorite food is Indian, my favorite color is blue and favorite movie is The Piano.

(Another burst of laughter is shared)

Alexander: I love it! Efficient and streamlined. I would expect no less. Always on point! What about the movie, The Piano, stands out to be your favorite?

Nandy: I loved it when I was a kid. The high stakes drama, the art in it, the musical elements and it’s a period piece set in New Zealand.

Alexander: Wow! It sounds like you’ve had an interest in being a filmmaker from a young age with that answer. You and Maya do have a love of vintage aesthetics so I can see the appeal in that regard.

Nandy: Yeah! (translated to more of a polite ‘duh!’) I’ve wanted to be a filmmaker since I was little so it’s the beginning of a dream coming true for me. Grateful for the opportunity and the drive to go after it in a big way.

Alexander: Ashe. I get that. Looking back on your journey, from being a that little girl, to present day, who has played the most important role in your life and why?

Nandy: My mother for sure! She was walking ball of unconditional love and she had the biggest heart. She was definitely the definition of extraordinary. I recall one night we were at Prince’s house and Tina Graham (bassist Larry Graham's wife and a Jehovah Witness) came up to me after meeting mom and said " She's there, she's there." Which to me meant, mom is where we all want to get to as a human being. Mom had arrived. That's why she died at 69. Her journey and purpose on the planet was fulfilled.

Alexander: That’s a way of being that doesn’t seem to be very common. I had the privilege to meet mom virtually a few times before she passed. So much love emanating from that women. I could feel her hugging me through the computer. I can still feel Mo watching over us. She is proud of her girls!

Nandy: Yeah, I can feel her too.

Alexander: I bet. You know, there’s been a lot of your work that led up to the foundation you have now. What are some of the highlights from your career thus far for you?

Take a look at Prince's iconic Super Bowl XLI Halftime Show through a rain and wind storm with The Prince Twinz, Nandy and Maya McClean.

"STEADY LOVE" from the album WORTHY: Director: Nandy McClean Production company: NM FILMS

Nandy: Well, I’ll share 3 highlights. The most well known is obvious. Being a backup singer and dancer for Prince for 10 years and performing with him on the 2007 Super Bowl Half Time Show. The next highlight is being the director of the music video, “Steady Love”, by my favorite award winning music artist, India Arie, and the song winning best R&B adult No.1 on the Billboard charts, 6 months after the video release. And the last highlight would be working as a dancer with my favorite director, Baz Luhrmann, in the film Moulin Rouge.

Alexander: I can definitely see why those would be highlights! Congratulations on the success of “Steady Love”. I remember when you were in the middle of coordinating the shoots for that video. You worked really hard to have that be the polished product it is now, from concept pitch to completion.

Nandy: Thank you. Yeah, I’m not afraid of hard work. I’m just really grateful that the audience was so receptive to the music video.

Alexander: This feels like a good time to take a look at the span of your career behind the lens. How long have you been doing it and how did you make the transition?

Nandy:  I have been directing short form content (music videos and promotional videos) for the past 5 years and it has been a magical journey. The first music video I executive produced was a Prince music video called "Breakfast Can Wait." The poster for the video was an image of Dave Chappelle dressed as Prince holding a plate of pancakes. Prince called me as asked me and said " Do you want to executive produce a music video for me?" and I said "Yes, I'd love to." The video starred singer/dancer Dani Leigh who also dressed up as Prince in the video. The first video I directed was for Prince's HITnRUN album. I concepted a series of social media promotional videos to promote the record. The videos were featured on Jay Z's platform, TIDAL. Then I went on to direct my first period piece, drama short called BLIND about racially based incarcerations which I wrote, produced, and directed. We shot downtown in the historic Herald Examiner building and the film won numerous prestigious awards at film festivals. I’m currently in post (editing) a music video I directed for Maya Jupiter, "The Joy". It was written to celebrate the love a mother has for her son. 

Alexander: I remember “Breakfast Can Wait”. I assisted you on that video in production and made a cameo in the video too. I had a full head of locks back then. What next on your list of projects?

Nandy: I'm in development on my first Youtube series which I am excited about and I'm also up to direct my first purposeful documentary aimed for Netflix which is also very exciting.  

Alexander: That is exciting. Sending good vibes for all of that and more! Let’s pivot a bit and talk about being a conscious content creator and director. Could you share with us why the evolution of consciousness is important to you?

Nandy: It's important to me because when I evolve it brings more happiness, joy, and success into my life and the more happiness, joy and success I create, the more I can bring it to others. I love the saying: "If we are not expanding we are retracting." 


Alexander: I love that you said that because I find that a lot people often times assume that the retracting element doesn’t apply to people who have had such a successful career. Could you share some of the hardships you go through when you find yourself retracting?

Nandy: Of course. When I was a child had some experiences that lead to thoughts of not feeling good enough. I am now aware that those thoughts were not reality, but I still deal with these default feelings from time to time. It can be a struggle for me and something that I work on daily. Some of the more recent hardships have been trying to get pregnant for the last two years. It has been a stressful and very emotional process. The pandemic isn’t helping either.

Alexander: Sounds like it. Well, I won’t say that I get it. Being a seasoned birth coach and birth educator for more than 10 years has taught me a lot and one of the most valuable is to realize that as man, I will never truly no what what women experience when looking at the whole spectrum of pregnancy. What I will say is that I have a deeper understanding of the situation than most men and can grasp why there would be so much emotion and stress on top of the regular flow of life. Not to mention a global virus outbreak and civil unrest sparking all across the country. How has the COVID-19 Outbreak affected you thus far?

Nandy: It’s been stressful. Not being able to work and shoot was very hard for me. 

Alexander: What’s something you're really looking forward to after the outbreak is contained? 

Nandy: For me, it would be the freedom to travel anywhere in the world and locally without COVID-19 restrictions. Right now I'm planning remodeling on first investment home, so I'm excited to see my creative vision come to life and bring value to the investment. I’m also looking forward to directing my first purposeful feature film, holding my first child in my arms, giving back in a big way, and experiencing the full freedom financial wealth can bring. Future plans!

Alexander: Yes! I love the intentionality in speaking the future into existence. I am looking forward to a lot of the same experiences, short term and long term. As a black woman who is stepping out as a lead creator in the entertainment industry, what is your view on the state of Black America?

Nandy:  I can't authentically say that I can speak on this topic through everyone's eyes. I do think that Black Lives Matter is making giant leaps during the COVID-19 outbreak worldwide with the protests in countries like New Zealand and Europe! Our voice is being heard! In the world of film, there is so much quality black content coming out like Jordan Peel'sLovecraft Country”. It’s a dark fantasy-horror based on a novel by Matt Ruff, exploring the conjunction between the horror fiction of H. P. Lovecraft and racism in the United States. This just hasn't been done before and it's inspiring me, that's for sure! Equality is happening more and more. 

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Alexander: I do feel a shift this time around that is unique from the events of the recent past and there are amazing strides that are being made in front of the screen, behind the screen and out in the world. So we are in support of what you are saying. We also feel the opposing side being really stubborn in their efforts to relinquish the privileges and power they possess. What occurs in these next few months will be a vital part of the trajectory of our future collectively and as individuals. This actually brings up a great question focused on the future of long term goals. What do you want to be known for and what type of legacy do you want to leave behind?

Nandy:  I want to be known as a director who creates content and wealth to empower and create equality. My legacy has so far been making History as a singer and dancer with Prince. The next chapter is being known for the difference I make through film and build wealth through real estate investments. Real Estate has been an interest for me for some time and now I have my first investment property so it will be my first practice in the domain. 

Alexander: Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? 

Nandy: I see myself with 2 feature films, 1 TV show under my belt as a director. I also see myself with a toddler, being married, sold my first investment property and invested in 2 more while living in both LA and Australia. 

Alexander: I don’t know who you think your fooling! That may sound like a lot to other people, but I know that’s low balling in comparison to the damage you could really do.

(A shared burst of laughter fills the room)

Nandy: You’re Hilarious.

Alexander: We have our roles in life. Humor is one of mine. So if you’re looking at having 2 feature films under your belt, you must have an idea for the types of projects you aspire to direct and/or create, yeah?!

Nandy: Yeah. I'd like to create a feature about my mother and film it in Australia. I'd also like to write and direct a musical feature film as well as a sci-fi about aliens.

Alexander: Awesome. Except for that alien part. Are these Jordan Peele aliens or ‘live long and prosper’ aliens?


Nandy: I don’t see myself going the horror route but we will cross that bridge when we come to it I guess.

Alexander: I’m crossing my fingers or the later. As we begin to come to a close of this interview, What advice would you give to women? 

Nandy: Practice self love and empowerment while following your joy.

Alexander: What advice do you have for your fans? 

Nandy: To follow your excitement till it leads you to where you want to go. Be consistent and you can achieve anything you put your mind to.

Alexander: Lastly, what is the best way to contact you for new opportunities?

Nandy: Please feel free to reach out to me anytime for questions or a consultation. I am here to help and would love to work with you. Contact:


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Luminescent Dolphin Productions

“Hey there Stardust!” This is the choice greeting used in the “Mogul In The Making” Reality Show, live streamed on IGTV with exclusive perks and content hosted on Patreon. We are a week into filming and we must say, reality TV is as intrusive as it seems. Equating for the all of the filming elements with sound, continuity, post schedules and content creation on top of an already full plate is a massive undertaking. We thought it would connect all of the project we are involved with to one central source and take away from the workload. Maybe it will become more intuitive the more we get into the flow or as we bring collaborators on board and delegate some of the responsibility. It feels like a worthwhile venture, just one that requires constant attention. In fact, it might be more beneficial to think of it as an infant, given our love of all things baby related. That could be the ‘mother’s milk’ that enriches this babe, into a strong and mature heir.


We Bless The Rains Down In Africa

The tickets are purchased and the plans are in motion for our first trip to the motherland. In December of this year, Luminescent Dolphin will embark on a journey to film the creation process of The Birth Resort in a documentary film format. The concept for The Birth Resort has been at least 8 years in the making and it seems we have finally found a match for the first place we can physically call home in West Africa with either Sierra Leone or Ghana. Whether the prospect proves fruitful or ends up being merely an exploration, this trip is generating excitement for us on many levels. Acting as the consultant for The Birth Resort has also come to an end for our company, as it spreads its wings and begins to form into its own separate entity. This month, our website has been going through major reconstruction. The release of our new website in the next few weeks will include the presentation of the landing page for The Birth Resort; a virtual home for its many resources contributing to pregnancy journeys worldwide.


The Beginning Of A New Era!

When presenting our self as a brand to the world, there are many aspects one manages in the pursuit of a solid brand perception. Though the ownness is multifaceted on a variety of elements like customer relation ratings and brand value implementation, ones logo is usually the first introduction to their audience and the market at large. In this regard, we are proud to present the new logo for Luminescent Dolphin. Created in collaboration with Cody Sky Photography, this new addition to our brand culture is a symbolic representation of our mission as a company to reveal the essence of the human spirit. All in all, we are overjoyed with the end result. On the heels of this new addition, the coming weeks will be populated with the announcement of new partnerships being built to directly support and uplight the african diasporic community.

Speaking of new, it is our absolute pleasure to share a new holiday release coming to a speaker near you! We are working on a Christmas album that will be ready for audio consumption this holiday season. Hilarious, touching and clever is the vibe for this album spectacular and it will be an album you will want to share with everyone in your reach, Trust us!

As expected and in humble gratitude, the children’s animated series F Street Kidz has been officially over funded on Kickstarter. We extend a gracious and energetic thank you to those who showed their support in monetary donations. The next few months will be filled with formatting the pilot and bringing it through full production. We are beyond excited to be working on this project and we plan to keep you informed on all the exciting updates as they come through.

Be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates.

Luminescent Dolphin is seeking fiscal sponsorship with a spiritual center. If you or an organization you know of is open to the opportunity, please reach out at

Krown On Kings

Support Black Owned Businesses


A Different Perspective

By Lisa Nicole

Photo by Jurien Huggins

Photo by Jurien Huggins

A Hard Look at Our Community 

I am writing to you not as a therapist, but as a friend so to speak. As we continue to live in a state of unrest, it forces us to think about hard truths. Truths that don’t always make us feel comfortable, but are necessary to review and evaluate from time to time. The Black community has experienced many forms of oppression each taking a new shape and method. What we consistently know is that the Black community is a unique group, hence its origin in the United States and the systems in place designed to continue to oppress it. 

During these times of civil unrest, we have had quite the lens on the Black community. However, amongst those under the lens, there is an entire separate experience of unrest that is being fed into even in these extremely trying times. Questions regarding who is considered to be Black, what lives are truly valuable, and who deserves protection have all been the cause of many arguments along with friendship and familial divides. This brings us to an issue that seems to always remain in question: Just who is determining blackness and what measurement tool is being used?

Photo by Clay Banks

Photo by Clay Banks

As a community we still have issues with colorism, accepting our LGBTQ+ kin, and relationships outside of “Black love.” But why are we still struggling? What keeps us from accepting each other and becoming a true collective? The answer is quite simple. No one wants to be the target of oppression. You can see that in marginalized groups, there is some form of sub-marginalization; some form of hierarchy that gets established so that someone can come out on top. Whether it be skin lightness or darkness, the use of religion as a weapon, or who you love, there is always an unwritten set of requirements to determine whether or not someone is considered to be Black or Black enough. 

The pure existence of this hierarchy makes sense in terms of individuals trying to find their footing in a role of power in a world that often denies it to them. However what we tend to ignore is just how much pain exists for this hierarchy to be created in the first place. Think of this concept like a victim of bullying looking to focus their aggression to cope with their experience.  Oftentimes the target of their anger is someone who has even less power, helping to give them what they believe to be a power boost. This creates a false sense of community that portrays one image to the outside and a rather dark image in the inside. 

Even the term community is used rather loosely because depending on who is using the term defines just who is included. Folks may not be ready to have the conversation about who are the default members of the community and who always gets left behind. Folks may not even realize that the social currency they distribute is based on generations upon generations of hate that was taught, just like in the homes of the oppressors. Folks may not be ready to assume responsibility for their perpetuation of hate and oppression in their community. It’s time to start. It’s actually something that has been needed for so many decades, but the time truly is now to take the lens and put it on ourselves and determine our own levels of toxicity. 

Photo by Jurien Huggins

Photo by Jurien Huggins

What folks have to realize is that even when you are oppressed, you can still do damage. You can still want rights, justice, and safety yet want it denied for someone else. At the end of the day, to the eyes of an enemy, it’s all Black to them. The intricacies of the movies you grew up on, or the types of cooking dishes your grandmother used, and where you shopped for back-to-school clothes doesn’t matter to them. It only matters to us. It is not to say that these unwritten rules haven’t brought people together, sharing similar experiences of childhood. People bond over the joys and sorrows of what it means to “grow up Black.” But we still need to question the weight that is put on these unwritten rules and checklists. They become so heavy, that they allow us to cast anyone out on a whim without question. 

Do these rules ever change? Are there exceptions to the rules? Do all pockets of the community get to participate in the creation and implementation of these rules? We can assert that the answer is no to all of these questions which is a part of the larger issue. Black is Black. We have spent enough time trying to dismiss those who we do not feel belong. There is too much at stake to spend time on belittling individuals in our community. We all need each other. It is time to do some major healing and self realization about what actually goes on in our community. 

Where do we even begin to heal? The first step...recognize that healing is needed; recognizing healing is not weak and should not have a negative connotation. Next we need to be open to criticism and feedback. We have to be able to hear the dark side of the inner workings of our community. We can’t get angry, push back, and refuse to grow. We can get frustrated, but keep our ears and minds open. We need to hear the cries of our family, friends, and neighbors so that we can better understand the lived realities of others even when we think we are aware and understand. We can’t tell others how to think or how we think we make them feel. It needs to be an honest discussion. A real discussion. Only then can we start to make strides to identify existing gaps and strengthen the community where it needs it the most. 

Lisa Nicole

Lisa Nicole

Social sciences has always been my interest even before I knew the discipline existed. I earned my undergraduate degree in Anthropology, took a gap year, and then completed a graduate program in Public Health. I often find myself being a cultural broker and being a go-to person when it comes to questions that would normally be labeled as a sensitive topic. I have always found that these teachable moments have really helped others get a glimpse into a life very different from their own. 

“Raise your words, not your voice. It is the rain that grows the flowers, not thunder.”



Please consider watering our endeavors for the success of future blooms.


Alexander Free Garland is the Chief Editor of The Noble Court Magazine and all advertisements associated with the publication.

September 2020

SEPTEMBER Edition 2020

Welcome to the humble beginning of The Noble Court Magazine release! There is an enchanted excitement that we feel at The Top Publishing Company in revealing our newest publication to the world. Originally started to keep supporters of the publishing company, affiliated partners and businesses up to date like a newsletter, the idea expanded into being a space to serve those who want to be in the know about our next steps as well as attract new supporters. With the current goal to produce a new issue every month, supporters get FREE access to new developments like new authors being signed, articles analyzing the black experience throughout different parts of the world, interviews showcasing black excellence in many areas of life, the list goes on! Our magazine is also a proud supporter of fellow black owned businesses. If you or someone you know is seeking advertisement as a fellow black owned business, please contact us at

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”



Please consider watering our endeavors for the success of future blooms.


Tribute to A Star Gone Supernova


Honoring Our Forever King: T’Challa!

When the phenomenon of a supernova occurs, it takes a few million years for the star to die, less than a quarter of a second for its core to collapse, a few hours for the shockwave to reach the surface of the star, a few months to brighten, and then just few years to fade away. Of course, to a star in space with an life expectancy of 10 billion years, that is a short amount of time. Chadwick Boseman was a radiant sun in our entertainment universe that burned bright to the very end. For the past 4 years we have witnessed his supernova before our eyes, not knowing it until the light was out.

An Impact Written In The Stars

Since his diagnosis of stage III colon cancer in 2016, Chadwick Boseman rewarded us all with his talents in Marshall, Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, 21 Bridges, Da 5 Bloods, and a film set to premiere on Netflix sometime in 2020, August Wilson’s Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. It's impossible to deny that Chadwick left a lasting impact on Hollywood and the world itself. Black Panther was the first Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film centered on a Black hero, and it broke barriers when it became the first comic book film to be nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars. His impact, coined as the ‘Boseman effect’, has shown a tremendous impression on black culture and specifically young boys in the development of positive self identity as black young men. It continues now in his death with a targeted focus on Black people (men in particular) and colon cancer. He spent years, and certainly the last few months, selflessly helping young cancer patients without revealing his own condition.

⁣Personal Connection

As a child, we were cast into the role of young simba on Disney’s first Broadway tour of The Lion King. The impact of being cast in that role continues to shape us in ways that we never knew it could. One of the most valued and surprising impacts from participating in the show is the family connection of people we have met after leaving the show from casts all over the world. One of the many people we connected with years after leaving the production was Kevin Boseman, Chadwick’s brother. Though we personally never met Chadwick, he is considered part of our extended family in that way. Similar to his late brother, Kevin is a captivating and awe inspiring performer that has had a flourishing career in live theater and dance. As a former Alvin Ailey soloist, an avid Broadway performer, his impact in the entertainment industry is one we can trust and champion as the torch is passed to carry the Boseman legacy.

To the Boseman Family:We do not know what you are going through. That is your experience, as Chadwick’s family that we can never understand. What we do know is Love leaves a memory no one can steal, that is true for us all. Kevin, may the narrative we heard for so many years be a guiding light for the family, He lives in you! May that provide strength when you feel weak.” -Alexander Free Garland

Support Black Owned Businesses

The Top Publishing Company

Since our open in July of this year, we are off to a fruitful and stable start. Not only are we presenting a second literary work in the form of this magazine, we signed 3 new authors seeking publishing representation in the last two months. We have another half a dozen waiting for approval, and a documentary film being shot this winter and released at in the Spring of 2021. For two brothers who seemingly knew nothing about establishing or running a publishing company, in the midst of the solemn passing of the family patriarch to whom this company is championing, we have done pretty well. As a family, we faithfully advance in the belief that our grandfather is watching with pride.


Getting To Know The Author

A thrilling new publishing company feature coming to a screen near you is our very own livestream series. Hosting on a familiar platform to us all, these interviews will provide insight into the latest release with The Top Publishing as well as the opportunity to ask questions of your own. Set up in a ‘21 Questions’ format, this series will be a must see for new features to come. Save the date: October 18th, 2020.

Publishing Company Merchandise & New Social Media Accounts

Did you notice? We have a Facebook and Twitter account. Brand new! Be sure to follow us so you don’t miss any updates that are released in between the monthly magazine issues. We also have publishing company merchandise rolling out this month. Its a very exciting time! Show support for black owned businesses by purchasing swag for you and a friend. We will have mugs, T-shirts, face masks and so many other gems to obtain. Merchandise release is set for September 20th, 2020.

Support Black Owned Businesses

Luminescent Dolphin Productions

Two years ago, we created our first website following the divine guidance of a being we refer to as a cosmic life partner, Sundeep Morrison. Little did we understand how that decision would be the beginning of a journey to founding Luminescent Dolphin, our very own multi-media production & consulting company. Coming up on a year in business next month, we are the responsible consulting partner for 3 black owned businesses, the operating director for a black owned dance company and have produced at least a half a dozen productions, events & explorations. Though the outbreak of COVID-19 did drastically impact the work and financial flow, we have pivoted successfully and live to tell the tale. Allow us to share some of the highlights.


B. Dunn Movement Dance & Theatre Company

Identifying with pronouns We/Us/Our rather than the traditional He/Him/His, for the expressed purpose of honoring the ancestors who we succeed and to be a reminder that we are all one, Alexander has been a part of the B. Dunn Movement family since it was founded 5+ years ago. Recently promoted as the Consulting Director of Operations and Marketing for the company and fulfilling the role of Development Assistant to the Artistic Director, Brigette Dunn-Korpela, we have been an integral part of the dance companies success when it comes to providing a firm foundation for support. Along with the revamp of the B. Dunn Movement website, some of the current projects we are championing are as follows. B. Dunn Movement Dance and Theatre Company is proud to be 1 of 3 Los Angeles based artist recipients of the 2020-2021 Culture Hub LA Residency. During the residency, B. Dunn Movement will develop ECHO: Immersive Experience (EIE). EIE is a collection of modular vignettes that weave together the narrative of the kidnapping and enslavement of tens of millions of African bodies during the TransAtlantic Slave Trade using live performance combined with AR/VR technologies. Fiscally sponsored by The Dance Resource Center, your financial support of B. Dunn Movement is tax deductible. Connect with B. Dunn Movement on Patreon to get access to exclusive content and make a direct monthly impact to the company and our work.

Booked as a Professional Voiceover Actor for F Street Kidz

“Hey! Hey! Hey! It’s Fat Albert!” Though all may know the reference, few may remember the show, “Fat Albert and The Cosby Kids” from the 1970’s. F Street Kidz is a highly entertaining, family-oriented, quality animation of youth coming of age.  A cross between the classic Fat Albert series and a more culturally and ethnically diverse Wonder Years tv show. The creator/writer of this series is Rory Pullens and we was once my elementary school theater teacher. For decades, he has played an integral part in arts education and entertainment by serving as the former Los Angeles Executive Director of Arts Education and CEO of the Duke Ellington Arts School in Washington D.C. A two-time Emmy Award producer/writer nominee, Rory is committed to ensuring that young minority artists are provided opportunities and exposure so that their creative voices are heard.

We have the distinct honor of being one of the many familiar voices on this exciting new animated series! F Street Kidz provides its audience with socially relevant messages and insight into youth experiences growing up in the throwback era of ethnically changing communities that were inhabited by Black, Caucasian, Asian, and Latino/x kids. Each character-building episode is a blend of humor, family, community adventure, music, and fashion -  an artful blend of entertainment and education, into what Rory calls “edutainment.” This series is in the last stages of a Kickstarter campaign and your support is enthusiastically encouraged. Share, Post, and Donate today to be on the ground floor of a one of the next movements in animation, education and entertainment.

The Lifestyle Show We Have All Been Waiting For Arrives In October 2020

For years, we have been asked to be a personality on reality TV and was even offered a reality show of our own on a number of occasions. Though some of the offers were highly appealing because of the suggested status, platform, fame and money, opportunities presented in the reality TV sphere weren’t a style of entertain we were ever interested in contributing to or even watching for the matter. With the wide broadcasting of the current climate in America as well as the world at large, through many different forms of immoral intentions and seemingly apathetic hoards of communities, we have reconsidered the role that reality TV plays in our social structure. There is so much content being consumed that is empty and null of importance and value, so we have chosen to get in the game called reality TV and infuse some much needed soul in it.

Leaving no area of conversation unexplored, we aim to not only put our life in a magnifying glass to be an example, (not necessarily the right or wrong one) for people to see another way to process trauma, life, relationship, failure, success, love, apathy, tradition, spirituality and evolution. This next month is being spent streamlining the technical process with our team and then we are live. It is new territory and it does feel strange to go against a part of our urge to protect ourself from the rest of the world. But whose to say we need protection in the first place? Maybe the idea of needing protection is the very thing that gives us this experience of separation. Let’s find out together!

Looking Through Our Box Of Treasures

Believe it or not, the above updates are only the tip of the iceberg. Before next months issue if the magazine, we will be sure to post the new ventures, press, opportunities to engage and partnerships that are brewing. Be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates.

Luminescent Dolphin is seeking fiscal sponsorship. If you or someone you know has an opening, please reach out at

Support Black Owned Businesses

Vizier: The Motivational Speaker

As my team and I finalize the new book for the January 2021 release, there are plenty of new features in the works keeping us busy on our end, to keep YOU coming back for more in the meantime. Though the book and the workload that comes along with getting it to market successfully would be enough on its own to manage, we are not stopping there! The book is simply the vessel to drive the precious cargo to market; the speaking engagement is what you really came to get. Using my book, “Why Accept Failure, When Success Is Free?: A Rebirth Of A Silent Warrior”, as a tool to engage and reach the youth, we are staging a motivational speaking platform simultaneously to expand our effectiveness. With the mission to spread the powerful impact that positivity can have, in reality, through adversities faced on any level, we are sure to turn a couple heads with the results.

Screen Shot 2020-09-15 at 5.38.50 PM.png

Upcoming Press

Get ready! There is a good chance that you’re going to start seeing my face… kind of everywhere. With new partnerships in the works and some bold moves on the behalf of me and my managing team, we have some pretty exciting press opportunities on the horizon. First up is one that was mentioned earlier in the magazine. I am the first author being featured in the ‘Getting To Know The Author’ series with The Top Publishing Company. Should be super fun. I wouldn’t miss it if I were you. Additionally, there are a number of interviews in the pipeline with multiple publications, both local to Denver and others from around the country / globe. Be sure to stay tuned in for the details.

New Releases!: Custom Logo, Merchandise & Instagram

Did someone say tuned in? What better way to do that than making sure that we are connected on social media. My team set me up with a new Instagram account specifically for my engagement as a motivational speaker and we would love feedback on how we are doing. Drop by for a virtual visit and leave a comment. Another branding aspect that I am happy to announce is my own merchandise release this month. What fun is a merchandise release without a personalized logo? The answer: still a true release! Fortunately for me, my brother has a really talented network of people. I have a custom logo from Cody Sky Photography that will be a more than perfect touch to the merchandise coming to an online store near you before the end of this month. There is no better time to express our gratitude!

“Raise your words, not your voice. It is the rain that grows the flowers, not thunder.”



Please consider watering our endeavors for the success of future blooms.


Alexander Free Garland is the Chief Editor of The Noble Court Magazine and all advertisements associated with the publication.