The Welton Street Experience:

A Tour of Historic Five Points


The Harlem Of The West!

There is a place in the west that has been hiding in plain sight, where Black people’s talents have been cultivated. Where dozens of greats over the decades have been born, bred and nurtured. Where other greats from several walks of life have found refuge in a powerful and clever community named Five Points in the heart of Denver, Colorado. Known to some jazz enthusiasts as the ‘Harlem Of The West’, this neighborhood is the secret sauce for so many Black americans who have made a splash in american history and it’s about time to reveal the recipe for the gems that continue to be produced in this historic district!

The main artery that has sustained the life force of Historic Five Points is Welton street. Deep in the cracks of the cement and the whispers through the wind is a rich experience that is not yet lost to the heart of this neighborhood that is in the ongoing challenge to overcome the weight of gentrification. With the intention to restore the greatness of this community and give it new life by sharing its rich history, we aim to end the push of renaming this historic land and preserve a future for more greats to be cultivated!